Sunday, June 28, 2009


In a few short days (or should I say long days) the Schaeffer's will leave on vacation. We will spend one week in the best beach community ever....Seaside, Florida! The white sand, turquoise water and a short twelve-hour drive from home are just a few things that makes it the perfect spot for our family. For us, another part of the appeal of Seaside is staying in one of it's distinctive pastel cottages. They are just right for cooling off and relaxing. In the evenings we enjoy family-time, cooking out and visiting with each other on the screened-in porch. There is no need to drive in Seaside because you can walk or ride your bike anywhere. There is a gourmet grocery store, art galleries, shopping boutiques, bookstores and yummy restaurants just a few blocks away. I can't wait to post pics and tell you more about the lazy days of our vacation.
To see more pictures and learn more about this wonderful beach community visit


Unknown said...

I can't wait to hear about it!! Have fun girl and take some time to RELAX! :o)

Natalie said...

So fun!! You are going to have such a great time. I LOVE that teeny bookstore at SeaSide!!

Wendy Stelly said...

I love that house - it looks so quaint and classic! Enjoy!

Mrs. Cummings said...

It looks like it will be a fun trip! Enjoy the beach and have a great time! Can't wait to hear about it when you return.